Last Monday (January 22), two consolidated versions of the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act were leaked. The text, under debate for several months, stands as a global pioneer in the regulation of Artificial Intelligence.

Beyond being a mere law, the document represents a comprehensive effort to regulate AI throughout the European Union, to ensure robust protection of health, safety, and fundamental rights.

The first document to be released, spanning 892 pages, incorporates the European Commission’s original proposal alongside the mandates of the European Parliament and the European Council. A fourth column in the document displays the consolidated draft of the law. Subsequently, a senior advisor to the European Parliament also shared a consolidated 258-page document.

While these documents are not official, they provide valuable insights for those tracking the progress of the aforementioned Artificial Intelligence Act. Key points include:

  • The law would take effect on the 20th day after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
  • After 24 months, various measures, including general applicability, rule updates by the AI Office, and the establishment of regulatory sandboxes, would come into effect.
  • After 36 months, specific obligations for high-risk AI systems would commence, marking the complete implementation of the law.

Continued monitoring of the development and implementation of the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act is essential. It has served as the foundation for several other bills worldwide on Artificial Intelligence, including in Brazil.


Campos Thomaz Advogados closely tracks the evolution of Artificial Intelligence regulation in Brazil and worldwide, offering guidance to clients on matters related to technology and innovation, among other topics.





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