We have compiled the most relevant materials the Campos Thomaz Advogados team produced on Fintechs, Banking, Financial Services, and Virtual Assets on one page.
All the items below contain clickable links that lead to the respective full content.
Newsletters – Public Consultations and Regulatory Update
- 2022/08 Fintechs Nº 1: Introduction Operational Models
- 2023/01 Fintechs Nº 2: Credit Fintechs – SCD e SEP
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Open Finance – Data Protection (LGPD) and Financial Sector Legislation
- 2023/09 Fintechs: FIF and FIDC – Impacts of Ordinance CVM no. 175 and Cryptocurrency Investments
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Web 3.0 – Blockchain, Crypto, Stablecoins and Drex
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Assets Tokenization
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Crypto Assets’ Service Providers and their Regulation in Brazil
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Impact of AI Regulation on Fintechs
- 2023/09 Fintechs: Judicial Recovery & Bankruptcy in the Fintechs Scenario
- 2022/12 Memo to Clients: Legal Framework for Cryptoassets is published in Brazil
Client Alert:
- 2023/09 Hiring Digital Influencers in B3’s Regulated Market
- 2023/09 Fintechs: What is E-Discovery, and What is its Impact on Fintechs?
- 2023/06 Decree appoints Bacen as crypto authority
- 2023/06 The Relevance of M&A and Venture Capital Processes in Brazilian Agribusiness: An Analysis Focused on Agritechs
- 2023/06 Agribusiness Technologies and Civil Liability